Member Re-evaluation

Member Re-evaluations

The member re-evaluation is composed of a credit point system detailing your professional activities.  The evaluation is to be submitted to the Credentials Committee every five years; the first five year period starting the year of becoming a Diplomate or Large Animal Imaging Associate Member.  The re-evaluation form should be submitted to the Credentials Committee before 1st March in the year in which it is due.  The full details are available in section 2.3  the Bylaws document.

Download evaluation form

  • You will be alerted by the ECVDI Administrator when  your five year evaluation is due.  Once you receive notice, please download and complete the evaluation form.
  • Email your completed evaluation form as an attachment in Word format to the ECVDI College administration:
  • Please also upload a copy of your evaluation to your profile on the ECVDI website.

Evaluation process

When the form is received it will be processed and sent to the Credentials Committee for review.  Once the form has been reviewed and approved it will be returned to you via Dropbox Sign for signature.  There is no longer a requirement for referees.